Elite Mobile Web Development



Elite Mobile is proud to be the longest serving and largest UK distributor of telecommunication products and services. Following well-established and trusted relationships with all major UK networks, Elite Mobile works directly with local and large retailers to supply them with SIM cards and unrivalled service. Having strong connections with manufacturers and suppliers of handsets, as well as supplying their own brand of handsets and accessories, Elite Mobile also has the operational capabilities to deliver end-to-end mobile services to its retailers. Established in 1994, Elite Mobile is considered experts in the ever-evolving telecommunication industry and distribution field. The team set local development solutions with multiple developer logins and QA server for testing. In addition to this, we also took care of maintaining the live server for the site. We did everything from maintaining space for the application’s documents to configuring IIS for .Net applications, signatures, PDFs, barcodes, etc. Apart from this we also made use of their task management services to do some everyday scheduling tasks.


Elite Mobile wanted to expand its distribution of telecommunication products and services in the UK and around the world. They needed a holistic ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Solution which contains all modules like purchases, sales, warehouse, inventory and accounting.


Elite Mobile is a market leader of telecommunication products and services. It has over 45,000 partnering retailers, with over 200 field representatives with 3 UK Hubs. The ERP System was built in a way to manage the sales, warehouse, inventory and accounting, online purchase of the sim cards, transferring of commission, viewing activations and redeeming the points. We have been serving Elite Mobile for the last 7 years. The development and maintenance of their system has been a rewarding journey for us.

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